I haven't been posting, I know. Thank you for asking me about it. Of course, funny things are still happening to me everyday. REALLY funny things, but there are multiple answers to why I haven't been posting. Let's go with the most cliche first.
1. I've been so busy.
Yes this is true, but if really wanted to I would make time to post just like I make time to relax and get my nails done and balance my checkbook and, oh wait...
2. I can't share some of the funny stuff.
Sometimes something hilarious happens, but I can't share it. Wouldn't be too great of a post if I said "Laughed so hard today at something I can't tell you about." Now would it?
3. I'm having a rough go.
This means, keep me in your prayers.
I will try to do better with posting the funny stuff..truly I will, and I might even throw in some poignant bits here and there. Until then, hugs and kisses!!