Friday, February 20, 2009

CA Night

So, this week at Creative Arts night Michelle talked about forgiveness and Dan talked about the men of the CA and how we have to personally take responsibility for our relationship with Christ. And that even though our church may be fun, and present things in a way that appeal to the entertainment industry (um, we ARE in Hollywood), we love God, and no one should doubt for a moment that are hearts aren't in it and sincere.

Such good stuff...of course, there would be a sitcom moment - and that was during announcements. I was proudly wearing my Doctor Who shirt with David Tennant and Freema Agyeman (or The Doctor and Martha) on it and Dave Grieder grabs the mic and tells everyone I was on a panel at the conference over the weekend. All good, until he says "that's where she was on Valentine's day!!" And Michelle says "Dave! That's not right." Then his wife starts shaking her head and James Blake yells from the front row "why are you engaged yet?!" Ahh...and embarrasment ensued. Although, I wasn't actually that embarrassed, so I think I've just gotten used to the hilarity of my life.