Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Splinter Incident

The GodChicks Conference was absolutely wonderful! I enjoyed Holly, Chris Caine, Sheila Walsh, Sherri Shepherd and Viola Davis (via video). And Sunday morning was amazing too! Worship and the message from Chris Caine were highlights of the day...and...I can't forget to mention the "Splinter Incident."

Sunday morning seconds before walking to the front of the platform I picked up a piece of paper from the back of the stage. Except it wasn't a piece of paper. It was a little piece of wood that was white on one side and black on the other. And it had little shards of wood shooting out that were camouflaged into the stage. When I picked it up, I jammed 2 splinters of wood under, that's right, under my index fingernail. Ouch indeed. As blood started oozing, I threw the wood chip down and walked forward to worship. What a funny moment. (I did go back and pick up the wood chip later in the day.)

The blood dried up and I didn't really think about the splinters until the 2pm service when my finger started throbbing. My friend Jenn and I tried to ascertain if the long splinter under the nail went to the tip of my nail. If so, I could grab it with her tweezers and pull it out. We couldn't figure it out because there was dried blood at the tip. After looking up how to get the splinter out online, and having a little cry, I headed towards home and stopped by Walgreens to get a few things:

Epsom salt to soak my finger and try to work the splinter out
2 types of numbing cream. The pharmacist was only slightly helpful and told me it would be trial and error so just buy both and bring one back
Hydrogen Peroxide
Strawberry Twizzlers and Gummi Bears - so I could chew something while I was digging the splinters out.

I called my friend Marquita and told her I needed "some help" and went to her place. My friends Jocelyn and Carmella were there too. Soaking my finger didn't do jack but make it sting. The Lidocaine cream didn't work too well, so I used the Benzocaine cream. I really wish it didn't say "Pain Reliever Cream FOR BOILS" so largely on the side of the tube because I intend to carry the cream around with me for a bit. Perhaps I should use a sharpie to black out "For Boils."

Marquita suggested I ice my finger, so I did that and then re-iced it often. I cleaned my nail and then took nail clippers and clipped my fingernail down past the quick (way past) and was able to dig under with Jenn's tweezers and get the little splinter out. Sadly, it was apparent the long splinter couldn't be reached like this. Since the nail had been soaked, iced and had creams applied, it was pretty soft, so I used Marquita's tweezers to scrape through layers of my nail. Then Carmella got one of her razors and Marquita pulled out the blades for me. I then carefully and slowly cut through my nail in a V shape to expose the tip of the splinter. This took about an hour. Can someone say "OUCH!!"

I gently tried to pull the splinter out, but to no avail. I realized I had to put the big girl panties on and be a woman about it - that meant it was time to dig and pull. I took a deep breath and pulled it out, along with a loud scream. (I screamed a few times during this process)  I'm VERY thankful to everyone who helped during the day...I'm afraid I got a bit too emotional before leaving church as the thought of having to cut through my nail was horrific. Actually it was the thought of going to urgent care and having them do it. I mean, let's be real, they weren't going to be all gentle, nope they would have sliced - slash, slash, and dug it on out. There'd be no twizzlers or gummi bears or supportive friends cheering me on or sending me regular text messages. Just blood and tears.

I wanted to post a picture, but the camera doesn't really capture what my finger looks like now. It's actually not awful, and my finger is just a little tender at the tip and obviously, where the nail is cut away. Writing about this I find it kinda funny and indicative of this season. I mean the weekend was so incredible and not even some splinters jammed underneath my finger and oozing blood was going to stop me from praising God - my magnificent God. My dearest friend of all!

So let the splinters of life come, or go - God is the reason I'm living and I will choose to have joy every day, no matter what!!

Tucson Time! (from May)

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed being home. I was a little worried last Monday as it was a rough day. I envisioned the week being awful and my vacation being a cry fest. I mean, what the mess? It's amazing how we can let our imaginations go wild on the negative side. Instead of thinking I'd be laughing, resting, reading, having fun, smiling all the time, I thought I'd be crying out in prayer for God to deliver me. And all this based on a few rough hours last Monday. Give me a break!

Thankfully God shook me and reminded me I'm more than an over-comer. I'm not a survivor, I'm not just getting by, I'm thriving. So no matter what's going on, I have reason to hope in God.

So fast forward to Wednesday, it was a lovely, lovely day. Then Thursday I got to record some background vocals for a new artist at a studio in Glendale and then I was on my way to AZ. I love driving and this time the 7 hours seemed to fly by. After a brief visit with long time friends in the Phoenix area, I made it to Tucson without a hitch!

Friday was quite restful - no deadlines, no phone calls to make, nothing to take care of... just a chance to sleep and let myself recharge. How delightful!  I've always loved the 'safe' and 'no obligation' feeling of being at my parents' home. I remember coming home from college and just sleeping for a couple days, as my brother did when he came home Saturday morning.

But back to Friday night, my parents (it was really my mom's doing, but my dad did NOT intervene) forced me to watch Puss n Boots with Christopher Walken and Volcano. I cannot explain just how awful each of these movies were. Don't watch them, just take my word for it. 

The best part of the trip was spending time watching Netflix with my mom and watching my Dad work on my car to repair the pulley on the automatic windows and of course playing games.

Sunday afternoon was when the real fun began. My brother and I got a new game called "Quelf." Everytime we played it we had so much fun and laughed so hard...the kind of laughter that makes you almost wet yourself and sweat profusely. One of the best moments was when none of us could use the words "turn, roll, go" and when we said my brother's name, David, he had to reply with some crazy phrase and everytime it was my turn he had to make up a cheer for me, and I had a tie around my neck and couldn't use my arms, and my mom was speaking in baby language and my dad suddenly gets up and starts stomping his foot and sang a made up square dancing song.  Hilarious!  I leave you with what my brother said on his blog:

It's actually an amazingly fun game and probably the best game we've played as a family. I had laughed so hard and so much during the games that afterwards I had a seriously horrible sore throat. I can only imagine how they felt because they laughed just as much as me from all the fun. In fact, it was so much fun my desire to win was overpowered by just having all that fun and family love.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One thing remains...

Well, it's been a little bit rough lately. How timely it is that we've begun singing One Thing Remains at church, because at times when I'm completely forlorn, it helps to have that song rolling around in my head. I'm continually telling myself "No matter what, God's love never fails. Even though this day feels absolutely awful, God's love will never run out on me. In death, in life, I'm confident and covered by the power of His great love."

The song points me to the truth of Romans 8:38 - I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.

This morning, I've decided to look on the bright side and remember the hilarious things that have happened to me recently. 
1st up - Sunday Morning:
      On my way to church, quite early in the morning, I turn onto the long, curved freeway on-ramp near my house. On my way up I can already see it - cars stopped, police on both sides of the stopped cars, wrecked cars next to them. All of a sudden it becomes apparent that everyone stuck on the on-ramp wanted to back up. Sooo, back up we did. Now, I consider myself a good driver, and usually I can back up into tough spots and get myself out of tight spaces (it helps to have a little car), but backing up down a long curve? Let's just say I wasn't the only one who was, uh, challenged. Then we get to the bottom, but of course people are now turning on to the on-ramp and are quite frustrated to find 9 cars backing up. Honking ensues. That's when the bigger cars decided to make a U-turn and go over the median to get out. Good for them, I mean, I had that idea, but didn't want to scrape up the undercarriage of my car. So I just sat there while all these cars simply popped over the median, giving me strange looks that said to me "why are you just sitting there???" eventually the way was clear for me (minus a honk or two) to just back out and head towards Cahuenga. Thankfully, I was only 10 mins late.

2nd - Nail Salon:
     While picking out a nail colour a woman walks in and we have a familiar conversation. She says to me "Are you an actress?" "No...I'm a singer." "Ah...maybe I've seen you sing before. I'm sure I've seen you before." "Hmm, do you go to Oasis?" "I've been there a few times, I must have seen you sing there."

Great, it was a perfectly normal and strangely, a common conversation. But later, she's getting her nails done and I walk up to the front to pay. As I pass by she looks at me, turns to the nail technician and says loudly with an amused look on her face, "She's so dramatic!!" Huh? I WAS JUST WALKING!! Mind you this woman had a very boisterous blouse on and a seemingly identical personality, but I'm the dramatic one?!  I just had to laugh! Especially since, well, I can be dramatic. Ha!

3rd - Tron Screening:
    Recently I went to the screening of Tron and won a poster by explaining what made me a geek. "I've spoken at 3 Doctor Who conferences and I know tomorrow is free comic book day." That was a good answer that got an "ooooh" from the rest of the audience. Then he grilled me about Doctor Who. I shot through the first couple questions, but then was asked what my parents would call a "Big Mac" question - meaning, it's very easy. "What is the name of the actor that's playing Doctor Who now?" I GO BLANK   I stare at him in shock. "Uh, um, wow...I can't believe I've just gone blank." "Okay, let me ask you in a more official Doctor Who voice. The question of...the day is....What is the naaaame of the actor currently playinnngah! ....uh The Doctor?"
While he's saying it dramatically I am pleading with my brain to get it together. He points the mic at me and out pops "Matt Smith!" Yay! He gives me the poster, people clap and I sit down. Then I proceed to recite in my mind the previous Doctors just to prove to myself I actually know this information. I ended up getting the giant poster of Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) face. If anyone wants this, please let me know. My brother already declined.

4th - Free Comic Book Day:
     While driving home from a bridal shower,  I called my mom and asked her to find the comic book stores near me. And YES, I did go to several to get some free comics. And NO, that wasn't cheating, it was encouraged by the store workers. The whole point of the day is to get people back into comic book stores. Now, what really tickled me pink was not only getting free comics (and of course I bought a Doctor Who comic!) but also the reaction I got at these places. As I mentioned, I had just come from a bridal shower, so I was looking cute (If I do say so myself), makeup done, high heels on, hair blowing in the wind...needless to say I got very strange "are you in the wrong store?" looks. Or the confused look followed by "Uh, can I.... help you??" What really was fun was asking if they had any Doctor Who comics. That always resulted in a look of shock and then them trying to compose their faces. HAHAHAHA, oh yes, that was a funny day!

5th - Too many stories I can't tell because it involves people who can be easily recognized or the story would be inappropriate. So I shall refrain from telling about Trader Joe's, or the movie theatre, the opera, rewriting the words to A New Creation with one of my roommates, the ridiculous songs my roommates and I write every night and countless stories from work.

Ah...just reminding myself of the happy, lighter things in life have helped me want to face this day with a smile and spend time with co-workers and friends who I so dearly love.

If something's bothering you today, take a moment to remember God's love never fails. Even in our suffering, or in grief or pain - His love remains. He is holding you and won't let you slip. When we are weak, He is strong, so just get weak! Let go and let Him gird you with strength. And remember the good, funny things to reclaim your smile!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Turn it Around!!

Wow, what a year it's been! Today, I am truly thankful at God's amazing ability to turn things around.
This year started off rocky, very rocky. A friend was shot and killed in the shootings in Tucson and I was a wreck - mentally, spiritually, and definitely emotionally! And then a few other things happened (life) which compounded to make it all so horrible! And, while March and the beginning of April held 2 weddings for 4 very dear friends of mine, the month was tough and culminated in me being home for 5 days in a row, 3 of those days in pain, severely dehydrated and completely exhausted, puffing on an inhaler.

It's now a couple weeks later and so much has changed. I still get teary eyed thinking about Gabe, but the mere thought doesn't debilitate me for hours or derail my day. Instead I remember what he was all about and decide to enjoy the life I have now and do my best to love others and keep a positive attitude. Instead of jam-packing my schedule every day, I'm allowing more margin before and after events to take my time and relax a little. I'm not doing something every night of the week and I'm reading more.

Instead of putting off eating or exercising, I've remembered a healthy Katherine can be a blessing to others, so I've been diligent to work out and actually eat regularly. I still need to excel in the sleep category though...something just happens to me at 9pm and I get a surge of energy...what to do?? Hmm any suggestions??

My incredible, generous roommate Ashley got married April 1st, and for a while there I wasn't sure where I would live, but God had a plan! I'm now living with two dear, fun friends. There is so much laughter and joy in the house and various conversations that could last all night...sometimes they do! (Another reason why I'm not sleeping! Ha!)

Most of all, I'm thankful for the change in my time with God. When the heartbreaking events of January happened, my heart was overwhelmed. I prayed, cried and worshipped God, but there was so much pain, my time with Him was just to get me through. Now there is life again, and joy and laughter - a lightness of spirit.

So, I'm writing this to encourage you and to encourage myself. In those dark, hard times, in pain, in sickness, in despair - lean on God. There is no magical formula to make it all go away, but He will bring comfort and peace....and one day, He will turn it all around!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sicky Poo

Ah, being sick...so many thoughts.

As I lie here on the couch about to force myself to do a nasal rinse, gargle and a few other things the doctor prescribed (including drinking water...so much water) and then eat some soup, I am deciding to be thankful for this time.

March was a busy month, an insane month. I knew going into it. I would open my planner and cringe, 2 beautiful weddings, searching for and then moving to a new apartment, heavy work schedule, showers, birthdays, church and extra church events, previous obligations, errands...life. I kept telling myself "just make it through this month. You can rest in April."  Well, apparently my body decided we'd make good on that. The end of the month culminated in a rather wonderful wedding of two of my dear friends. Also included at the end of the month was food poisoning, dehydration, too much sun, dehydration, exhaustion, voice disappearing and I hurt my back moving the last of my stuff to the new apartment and did I mention dehydration?

My doctor was so kind to me yesterday and gave me a list of to dos and a prescription. My favorite part was him telling me I have to rest, because if my body doesn't get some rest I'm not going to get better. I think my words to him were "easier said than done." But shortly after that I was at Target picking up my 'get well' items. I was extremely tired and pushing the hand cart on the floor with my feet because I couldn't carry it. I realized I had to get some rest and I cannot allow myself to ever get here again. Ever.

So over the next few days I'm going to develop clear boundaries for myself for what I can and cannot do. Saying no more often may become the norm, as well as getting to bed earlier. And the past few days I've been spending so much time with God -- reading the Bible, praying, being still and listening -- it's replenishing and necessary for each day. I will continue to do this. It's time I won't budge on, time I look forward to and time I'm thankful for.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Love this remix version!

This one is a remix that I LOVE!!


Boom de Yada!!

Did a studio gig with 9 other people last Monday and was reminded of one I did with some peeps years ago for the Discovery Channel and it's STILL running! Thanks to Brew who hired me and sent me this link...getting the song stuck in my head AGAIN! I don't mind though, it's a good song to have bouncing around! Enjoy the original version and several others people have put together!