Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One thing remains...

Well, it's been a little bit rough lately. How timely it is that we've begun singing One Thing Remains at church, because at times when I'm completely forlorn, it helps to have that song rolling around in my head. I'm continually telling myself "No matter what, God's love never fails. Even though this day feels absolutely awful, God's love will never run out on me. In death, in life, I'm confident and covered by the power of His great love."

The song points me to the truth of Romans 8:38 - I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.

This morning, I've decided to look on the bright side and remember the hilarious things that have happened to me recently. 
1st up - Sunday Morning:
      On my way to church, quite early in the morning, I turn onto the long, curved freeway on-ramp near my house. On my way up I can already see it - cars stopped, police on both sides of the stopped cars, wrecked cars next to them. All of a sudden it becomes apparent that everyone stuck on the on-ramp wanted to back up. Sooo, back up we did. Now, I consider myself a good driver, and usually I can back up into tough spots and get myself out of tight spaces (it helps to have a little car), but backing up down a long curve? Let's just say I wasn't the only one who was, uh, challenged. Then we get to the bottom, but of course people are now turning on to the on-ramp and are quite frustrated to find 9 cars backing up. Honking ensues. That's when the bigger cars decided to make a U-turn and go over the median to get out. Good for them, I mean, I had that idea, but didn't want to scrape up the undercarriage of my car. So I just sat there while all these cars simply popped over the median, giving me strange looks that said to me "why are you just sitting there???" eventually the way was clear for me (minus a honk or two) to just back out and head towards Cahuenga. Thankfully, I was only 10 mins late.

2nd - Nail Salon:
     While picking out a nail colour a woman walks in and we have a familiar conversation. She says to me "Are you an actress?" "No...I'm a singer." "Ah...maybe I've seen you sing before. I'm sure I've seen you before." "Hmm, do you go to Oasis?" "I've been there a few times, I must have seen you sing there."

Great, it was a perfectly normal and strangely, a common conversation. But later, she's getting her nails done and I walk up to the front to pay. As I pass by she looks at me, turns to the nail technician and says loudly with an amused look on her face, "She's so dramatic!!" Huh? I WAS JUST WALKING!! Mind you this woman had a very boisterous blouse on and a seemingly identical personality, but I'm the dramatic one?!  I just had to laugh! Especially since, well, I can be dramatic. Ha!

3rd - Tron Screening:
    Recently I went to the screening of Tron and won a poster by explaining what made me a geek. "I've spoken at 3 Doctor Who conferences and I know tomorrow is free comic book day." That was a good answer that got an "ooooh" from the rest of the audience. Then he grilled me about Doctor Who. I shot through the first couple questions, but then was asked what my parents would call a "Big Mac" question - meaning, it's very easy. "What is the name of the actor that's playing Doctor Who now?" I GO BLANK   I stare at him in shock. "Uh, um, wow...I can't believe I've just gone blank." "Okay, let me ask you in a more official Doctor Who voice. The question of...the day is....What is the naaaame of the actor currently playinnngah! ....uh The Doctor?"
While he's saying it dramatically I am pleading with my brain to get it together. He points the mic at me and out pops "Matt Smith!" Yay! He gives me the poster, people clap and I sit down. Then I proceed to recite in my mind the previous Doctors just to prove to myself I actually know this information. I ended up getting the giant poster of Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) face. If anyone wants this, please let me know. My brother already declined.

4th - Free Comic Book Day:
     While driving home from a bridal shower,  I called my mom and asked her to find the comic book stores near me. And YES, I did go to several to get some free comics. And NO, that wasn't cheating, it was encouraged by the store workers. The whole point of the day is to get people back into comic book stores. Now, what really tickled me pink was not only getting free comics (and of course I bought a Doctor Who comic!) but also the reaction I got at these places. As I mentioned, I had just come from a bridal shower, so I was looking cute (If I do say so myself), makeup done, high heels on, hair blowing in the wind...needless to say I got very strange "are you in the wrong store?" looks. Or the confused look followed by "Uh, can I.... help you??" What really was fun was asking if they had any Doctor Who comics. That always resulted in a look of shock and then them trying to compose their faces. HAHAHAHA, oh yes, that was a funny day!

5th - Too many stories I can't tell because it involves people who can be easily recognized or the story would be inappropriate. So I shall refrain from telling about Trader Joe's, or the movie theatre, the opera, rewriting the words to A New Creation with one of my roommates, the ridiculous songs my roommates and I write every night and countless stories from work.

Ah...just reminding myself of the happy, lighter things in life have helped me want to face this day with a smile and spend time with co-workers and friends who I so dearly love.

If something's bothering you today, take a moment to remember God's love never fails. Even in our suffering, or in grief or pain - His love remains. He is holding you and won't let you slip. When we are weak, He is strong, so just get weak! Let go and let Him gird you with strength. And remember the good, funny things to reclaim your smile!

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